Maria Luisa Guinto, PhD, RPsy, ISSP-R

Associate Professor

Department of Sports Science


Maria Luisa Guinto is an Associate Professor of the College of Human Kinetics at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. As one of the forerunners of sport psychology in the country, she is a founding member of the Association of Sport and Exercise Psychology in the Philippines (ASEPP) and the first Chairperson of the Sport and Exercise Psychology Special Interest Group (SEP-SIG) of the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP). A licensed Philippine psychologist and a registered practitioner of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP), she serves as the International Relations Officer of the PAP Board of Directors, Vice-President for Membership of the Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASASP), Secretary of the International Association of P.E. and Sports for Women and Girls (IAPESGW) Executive Board, and Scientific Advisory Board Member of The Foundation of Global Community Health (GCH). Her research interests involve applied sport psychology, women in sport, mental health and well-being, spirituality, mindfulness, and sport for development.


As an Associate Professor, Maria Luisa Guinto teaches the psychology of sport and research methods in the Sports Science undergraduate program. Additionally, she instructs sports psychology, coaching psychology, and qualitative research methods in the graduate program of Human Movement Science. Furthermore, she serves as a mentor for both undergraduate and graduate thesis advisees.

Courses taught


Maria Luisa Guinto has published her research work in international journals and books in the areas of applied sport psychology, women in sport, mental health and well-being, spirituality, mindfulness, and sport for development. She also presents her research findings at both national and international conferences. Her research engagement spans diverse domains, reflecting a deep commitment to advancing knowledge in the multifaceted aspects of human performance and flourishing within the context of sports. Currently, she holds the position of Editor-in-Chief at International Sports Studies, one of the world's oldest and most established scholarly sports journals, dating back to the 1960s.

Selected publications

Guinto, M. L. M. (2023). Editorial: Advancing Quality Physical Education - Evolving Global Perspectives. International Sports Studies, 45(2), 1 – 5.

Guinto, M. L., & Logan, I. L. (2021). Harnessing the power of sport for disaster recovery. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 14(2), 326-343.

Roychowdhury, D., Ronkainen, N., & Guinto, M. L. (2021). The transnational migration of mindfulness: A call for reflective pause in sport and exercise psychology. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 56.

Guinto, M. L., Uy, G. L., & Cantancio, M. F. (2021). Women in Philippine sport and physical education. In R. Lopez de D’Amico, M. Koushkie Jahromi, & M. L. Guinto (Eds.), Women and Sport in Asia (1st ed., pp. 157-167).

Guinto, M. L. (2020). Spirituality in Sport Psychology Consulting. In M. Bertollo, F. Edson, & P.C. Terry (Eds.), Advancements in Mental Skills Training.


Maria Luisa has actively participated in programs promoting mental health and well-being in schools and communities, including workshops, seminars, or awareness campaigns focusing on stress management, resilience building, and emotional regulation. Additionally, she collaborates with school coordinators, community leaders, and other health professionals to develop strategies and resources tailored to the specific needs of diverse populations. Through her participation in these programs, she contributes to fostering supportive environments that prioritize mental health and well-being as integral components of overall health and flourishing.