The College research Ethics Committee
The UP College of Human Kinetics Research Ethics Committee (UPCHKREC) is under the Arts, Humanities, and Human Movement Science Research Ethics Board (AHHMSREB) of the University of the Philippines Diliman.
How to Apply
Prepare the following documents:
Full Research Proposal/Protocol
Curriculum Vitae of Researcher/s
Informed Consent Form
Assent Form (if applicable)
Download and fill out the required UPCHKREC forms:
Submit the attachements stated above to using the following subject heading: "Ethics Review Application_[Surname of PI]_[First six words of research title]"
e.g., Ethics Review Application_Reyes_Sports participation barriers of students in
Wait for an email notification from the UPCHKREC to confirm receipt of the applicaiton and take note of the assigned UPCHKREC Code